I am often contacted by people who need advice or guidance and they usually act as though it's a huge imposition
on my time. Fortunately my time is my own and since I have no interest in a job at this point in my life I've made
it my job to be there for anyone who I can help. If you are trying to get a mortgage but have been turned down
I will be happy to make some phone calls and get things moving for you.
The original purpose of this site was to help my mortgage clients who needed a little "somethin'-somethin' " to get the
right loan for them. Most often it was people with okay credit who couldn't quite get a "good" loan and were looking
at a sub-prime deal with high interest, variable rates and prepayment penalties. *UGH* Often with just a little jiggering
I could get them where they needed to be. If you want to know if I can help you please send me a note via email anytime night or day... I'll get back to you as soon as I can.
I can't make promises though ... I might be fishin'.
Mitchell "LoanLad" Torek